“As a former competitive weightlifter with shoulder problems and as a sports based chiropractor, my practice continually attracts a large population of athletes with shoulder injuries. Whether treating an acute or chronic condition, I was missing the tools to property rehabilitate the shoulder and oftentimes, I would have to refer them to another rehabilitation based provider. Incorporating the Buchberger-12 Program was a complete game changer not only in my practice, but also for my own shoulders. I never realized how much scapular stability/strength played into a shoulder problem.
The exercise protocols are simple, easy to follow and require very little equipment. For my patients, it means better compliance as it doesn’t take up a lot of time. For me, several of the protocols are my warm ups in the gym before any upper body routine and always will be. As a result, my shoulders have been surgery-free and have been more stable then ever. Whether you work out of your home, your office or on the road, I highly recommend the Buchberger-12 program.”

“The Buchberger-12 has been an important part of the rehabilitation and performance improvement with the athletes I see. It’s great to see them recover quickly and excel at the sports they love. To have a streamlined protocol like the one Dr. Buchberger has put together is critical to maximize their training time and minimize down time.”

“In 2010 and 2011, I utilized the Buchberger-12 exercises, recommended by an ART (active release treatment) provider, to keep my shoulders feeling strong and pain free. On August 20, 2011, I became the first Michigan woman to swim the English Channel and was the fastest American in 2011 to swim with the Channel Swimming Association. The variety of exercises were easy to follow and could be done anywhere. When traveling, I packed a photocopy of the exercises, a stretch band, and would use any any objects weighing 2-3 lbs for weights. I performed the Buchberger-12 two to three days-a-week, for a year. Throughout my heavy training with consisted of swimming 3-5 hours a day five days-a-week, I was never sidelined with shoulder issues. I recommend the Buchberger-12 for all athletes with significant rotator cuff use.”

“Downloaded it last night……FANTASTIC!!”

The Buchberger-12 series are the most effective exercises I’ve found for rehabilitation, strengthening and preventing future shoulder injuries. They’ve also been very effective for my patient’s with chronic neck issues. I’ve prescribed them to patients of all ages of all athletic abilities and have gotten great results! I highly recommend The Buchberger-12 to anyone who has a shoulder/neck problem or who would like to prevent a shoulder/neck problem from occurring! Thank you Dale!

“Dr. Buchberger has greatly influenced my teaching and coaching. As a golf professional and golf coach I learned to perform the B-12 exercises to improve my shoulder mechanics and improve my golf swing. Eventually I started to use the B-12 exercises as a screen to identify shoulder issues that were affecting swing mechanics and limiting the golfer’s ability to perform as well as a training tool.”

“The Buchberger-12® program was an integral part of my return to pitching in the Major Leagues following Tommy John surgery to my throwing elbow. The Buchberger-12® corrects many of the weaknesses that can lead to shoulder impingement following Tommy John surgery. I am now using the Buchberger-12® as part of my arm maintenance and conditioning program. It has allowed me to throw more innings with higher velocities in the late innings and it has improved my recovery between outings so I can be ready for my team when they need me. If you want to reduce your chance of injury, recover faster and throw your top velocity late in the game, then I would recommend that you get the Buchberger-12® rotator cuff and scapular strengthening program!”

“Just wanted to thank you for the great work you’ve done with the examination book and treatment examples. It has been a tremendous help in showing me how to focus not so much on the what but more the why in my exam and treatment. Being in practice just 7 months this helps tremendously in formulating an accurate diagnosis and rationale for a treatment protocol.”

“I have known Dr. Buchberger for over 10 years and I have used the Buchberger-12 as part of my assessment and training of golfers since I met him at a Shoulder Made Simple seminar. Dr Buchberger’s depth and breadth of knowledge of the shoulder, his expertise in assessment, rehabilitation and training of various shoulder injury syndromes and his love of sports are neatly captured in a very easy to implement program which is the Buchberger-12.”

“My ability to examine, treat, and rehabilitate patients with shoulder pain have improved beyond any previous expectation after having taken two seminars on “The Shoulder Made Simple” with Dr. Dale Buchberger. I now treat and apply rehabilitation programs based on the pathomechanics revealed during the exam process. I am far better able to get to the “why” of the symptoms and therefore work globally and specifically in a synergistic manner. While I don’t know if I will ever consider the shoulder to be “simple” Dr. Buchberger’s engaging, dynamic and tremendously informative lectures and fantastic seminar notes have taken a lot of the mystery out of working with shoulder patients. Dr. Buchberger brings a rare combination of evidence based knowledge coupled with highly developed practical clinical skills and an encyclopedic knowledge of injury mechanisms and corrective surgical procedures to his seminars. His skill in simplifying complex information and passion for educating others make the seminars both highly enjoyable and educational. I recommend Dr. Buchberger’s seminars to any practitioner who wishes to hone their skills and stand out in the various disciplines surrounding physical medicine.”

As the Team Physician for the Auburn Doubledays Professional baseball team, I have seen the Buchberger-12® in action. Our players have benefited from the Buchberger-12®, but especially our pitchers. The Buchberger-12® has nearly eliminated missed starts in our pitchers when used as a preventive program. It works equally well as a rehabilitative program in my general orthopedic sports medicine patients too.

“I have used the Buchberger-12® series of pehab exercises with all of my teams this past year. Without exception, the Buchberger-12® is the most comprehensive, and effective series of rotator cuff exercises to rehab and prehab the shoulder. I used the Buchberger-12® with all of my volleyball players, en route to winning the Men’s NCAA Championship. I had 5 NCAA All-Americans and the NCAA Men’s Final Four MVP who all swear by the Buchberger-12® for maintaining the integrity of their rotator cuff. Dr. Dale Buchberger is the absolute authority on the shoulder and I highly recommend the Buchberger-12® to anyone interested in preventing or rehabbing the rotator cuff.”

Your Buchberger-12® book is awesome! I have had great success with my shoulder patients thanks to your information & concepts. I was also a football player in the Canadian Football League (CFL) for several years before I was a chiropractor, and I wish I had the Buchberger-12® back then. I had reconstructive surgery on my shoulder several years ago and have used your instruction to get back strength and mobility in my shoulder (over the past year) that I thought was gone forever!

In throwing athletes, it is important to be able to strengthen the shoulder musculature in a safe and effective manner. As a strength and conditioning specialist, I use The Buchberger-12® as a safe, functional alternative to contraindicated exercises that increase the risk of injury to the shoulder girdle. I use the Buchberger-12® on my pitchers and position players for injury prevention and rehabilitation purposes.

I’m very thankful for the Buchberger-12®. I haven’t had a patient with a shoulder issue not get better yet since using the protocols!

We feel that your series is extremely beneficial to our clients/patients and have started many of them on your routine. You are so cutting edge! Thank you for your wonderful contributions.

The difference in stability since I started your program is unreal. My stability is rock solid. These exercises are great and work well. You deserve great credit for developing cutting edge rehab for such a common injury and more importantly rehab that works and works quickly. If I had paid ten times as much for the manual it would have been worth it. I will recommend your program to anyone who will listen.